
Episode 5: 1 tequila 2 tequila 3 tequila FLOOR!

How did Padma not get completely lit during that QF! I would have been sick. That was a LOT of shots! I liked the challenge though, very Texan! I also like Tequila and enjoy Fajitas made with it, mmmmm.

Chris C and Lindsey rose to the top, but it was Tylor that took it. I am glad he had some redemption after last week.

The elimination challenge was interesting. I am not a game fan, mainly because I like those animals alive, but I thought it was again a fitting Texas challenge. The teams were interesting as well, none so much as Beverly and Heather. WOW, Heather is SUCH a bitch. Again, I don’t like Beverly, but how unbelievably uncalled for! The fact that she brought up last weeks challenge at judges table shows she was grasping. AND why throw your partner under the bus in a double elimination? She’s not very smart. I am interested to see how that relationship plays out. I am loving Grayson more and more each week, not just as a chef, but as a person. I can tell her and Heather will be butting heads again!

I honestly thought Chris J and Grayson were goners this week. I could hardly even watch as they are both on my team, it was painful. What was Chris J thinking?!?!? I am ready to lose him! I was hoping the chefs would kick off Heather and Beverly instead, but they did something I did not think in a million years they would do and eliminated Nyesha and Dakota. This is going the change the entire dynamic since not only were they both good chefs, Nyesha was one of my top picks to win it all and a voice of reason in many situations. Should be interesting.

Tylor and Ed’s win was deserved, and they work really well together. I think Tylor led the win though. I am still not confident in Ed as a Top Chef, and he bugs me when he talks, just saying. Sarah and Paul could have done better. I thought they would have won this, but Sarah just broke down. Hope she can pull herself together! All and all, it was a shocking week and I look forward to the future! I wonder if Nyesha will take the LCK to the end?


  1. Just an FYI for all - Bri and I can host the restaurant wars episode and cook off, as long as everyone is willing to drive over to our place.

  2. Agreed about Padma - I think she must have spit the tequila out after she tasted it. If not, then it'd probably be an unfair advantage for the people who went last b/c everything tastes delicious after 10 shots of tequila!!

  3. I'm thinking she just had a sip of each tequila to see how it paired with the dish.
