
Episode 9- For the Kids

I am not really a fan of how much they discuss the last episode at the beginning of the new ones... I kinda just want a fresh start and keep all the drama for the end of the last one! Just my opinion!

I love Sheldon- he is such a quality person. I think we need a trip to Hawaii to go eat at his restaurant!

Michael Voltaggio- probably one of my all-time favorite Top Chefs! I love this Quickfire- it's always so fun doing the blindfold test!!! Winner gets 14 cases of wine- DAMN!

Brooke did pretty good! Impressive!
John- WTF??? Seriously he did so bad!?!
Emily just passed on everything... really?!
The other chefs seemed hit and miss...

On the Bottom were Emily, Sylva and Shirley- wow! They sucked it up- which of them are smokers?

On the Top were Brooke, Sheldon and Casey, but the winner was Brooke with 16- DAMN GIRL!

Elimination Challenge- Create a dish inspired by their childhood for a gala to raise money for the children hospital! Great challenge!

Shirley is hilarious... I can't imagine her as a kid- just as a mini-er version of her now! hahaha!!!
It's nice learning more about the chefs, now that there are less of them, they spend more time on their stories- it's fun! I do appreciate the fact that John is very conscience of his issues and trying to better himself. It doesn't make his behavior ok, but I have more respect for him...

Conditions are HOT! It is hard to work outside in that heat!!! The judges are being pretty picky! I guess that is what happens when you're down to the end!!!

I think John, Sylva and Sheldon nailed it! Brooke also did a good job!
Casey and Shirley were alright... hard to tell who is on top and bottom there...
Emily missed the mark hard... I think she could be going home today...

Lets see what the judges say!!!!

Sylva, Brooke and Sheldon are on top! Sylva was so upset he didn't get his crab, but he didn't let it ruin his day! Brooke's dish for her son had love! Sheldon had such a unique dish that really represented his childhood! The winner this week is Sylva!!! Good work Rookie!!!

On the bottom we have Shirley, Casey and Emily. Casey's dish was very appropriate but they just wanted a tiny fleck of salt, she had a good dish. Shirley just cut her lamb a bit large, but the flavor was good! Emily did not elevate her dish enough for these very picky judges.

And the Chef going home, as predicted, is Emily. Finally.


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  2. UGH. All my comments were deleted. Fml.

    Will try to do a brief recap.

    Can't believe the chefs did so poorly in the QF. You could taste, touch, and smell the food. Getting less than half is absurd.

    Michael V is awesome! My favorite chef from TC and also the best chef to have ever done the show as a contestant. Blaze probably 2nd. I have the Voltaggio Bros cookbook and it's crazy technical. The pictures are gorgeous but it's more like a coffee table book than a cookbook.

    Casey was spot on in her assessment of John. It's never his fault. He's better than he used to be for sure but I'm rooting for him to pack his knives before final 4.

    My picks for final 4:
    1. Sheldon - getting a ton of airtime and staying true to his roots. No elimination wins but almost always a top look.

    2. Sylva - Seems to have had the highest highs this season. Has several elimination wins but not as consistant as Sheldon.

    3. Brooke - She's been hit or miss this season but definitely a power hitter. Could still win but she has had a few bad dishes and have we seen her talking head from the preview yet?? Where she says she shouldn't have come back?? AHHHHH!

    4. ???

    It's hard to say who will get that last spot in Mexico. Shirley? Casey? Someone from LCK?

    I think this was one of the most obvious eliminations we've seen in a long while. There were 5 very strong dishes and then Emily's easy bake oven dessert. I think one of us could have made Emily's dish and probably made it better.

    Shirley has a story for EVERYTHING.

    Colicchio should drink tequila more often. He was positively jolly that episode.
