
Episode 7- Booty

Quickfire- Zodiac Challenge! Get inspired by your zodiac sign and create a dish that emphasizes it! AND... it's Sudden Death for the bottom 3 Chefs!

Interesting to hear how the chefs think about themselves...

Everyone did pretty good, but on top was Jamie followed by Sheldon and Katsuji.

On the Bottom, fighting to the death is Jim, Sylva and Emily- all rookies, the only ones left besides Jamie!!! They have 20 mins to cook the same dish inspired by the Earth signs and they all agree on Steak Tartare!

Jim's was refined but didn't have much to it. Sylva's was a new take, but lacked flavor. Emily took a classic approach but over-seasoned. And the chef leaving is Jim! I am so sad! Jim has a lot to offer and has really surprised me throughout this competition! We'll see how he does in LCK!

Elimination Challenge- The pirate Black Beard threw a party in Charleston and was killed during a battle. The Chefs have to break into teams of 3 and navigate Charleston for their ingredients, the first team gets first dibs on the offerings. Then they have to cook dishes made from all the ingredients for a pirate party!

Black: Casey Katsuji and Brooke
Yellow: Sylva, Shirley and Sheldon
Red: John, Emily and Jamie

Brooke thinks the Red team could have some issues... but Jamie and Emily are both from Charleston which gives them a huge advantage! Until I SEE the Map- really? This is not THAT hard! The most difficult thing about this is the rain! Lame. John is being a bit of a dick... the real John is coming out!

Yellow Team's dishes looked amazing! I would eat them all!!! AND the judges agree! They worked well as a team and made some great food! The winner this week is Shirley!

Ultimately the Red Team is the worst team, and Jamie gave up his immunity and is going home! What a crazy situation... I respect Jamie for what he did, but Emily should have gone home.

Next week is Restaurant Wars!!!! We'll see if Shirley can carry team Bug to the end!

1 comment:

  1. Wow. I did not expect that to go down the way it did.

    I thought Jamie stayed true to himself to offer up immunity but I did not think the judges would allow it/take him up on the offer. I like that they did!

    I was sad to see Jim go as well. I would rather have lost Emily even though she's a Le Chefre.

    Horrible strategy from the red team. First, for letting John pick almost all the ingredients and then for not looking ahead towards potential elimination.

    Good luck to Jamie in Last Chance Kitchen!
