
Episode 3- Spines and Vines

Off to Santa Barbara!

Sudden Death Quickfire with Uni and Wine pairing! This is rough! I feel awful for Chad not being able to drink the wine to do his pairing, but it is what it is... they ARE with the editor of food and wine, at a winery. Plus there are quite a few chefs that didn't even try to pair with wine! Crazy people! I think it is better to be safe than sorry when it's sudden death! 

Favorites: Grayson, Wesley and Carl, but the winner is Grayson- wow! Immunity huh? hmmmm.

Bottom: Angelina, Karen and Giselle and up for elimination is Giselle. She chooses Angelina to battle to stay in- good choice! They get to work with Ostrich Eggs, the ingredient Giselle wanted to use the first time around! Lucky for Giselle, she lives to see another day!

They get to partner up for the Elimination Challenge and work with some eclectic Surf and Turf proteins! The winner gets to come back to the winery and select their own barrel of wine! I do not think this is High Stakes (watching the episode as I write, so no bias- promise!)

Kwamee and Chad: Lamb and Rock Crab 
Jason and Frances: Pork and Black Cod
Marjory and Karen: Pork Loin and Rock Cod 
Jeremy and Phillip: Spot Prawns and Ribeye
Angelina and Giselle: Quail and Mussels
Isaac and Carl: Chicken Thigh and Halibut 
Wesley and Amar: Ribeye and Halibut
Grayson: Pork Belly

Tom comes in and decides that all the teams are Surf vs. Turf and they are no longer teams- one person from each team will be in the top, and the other in the bottom! This will challenge friendships! Grayson gets to pick the team to battle, so she picks Wesley and Amar to "challenge" herself. This will be fun to see how everything goes!

Wesley is stressed- he missed the mark going in and his meat is too tough! Amar's fish is a little overdone. Grayson takes it with her complex flavors and lacquered pork belly! Damn.

Phillip's dish is tasty and cooked well! Jeremy's Prawn is perfectly cooked and delicate. They both did great but Jeremy takes it!

Angelina's Mussels are flavorless, juicless and tortured. Giselle's flavors are interesting and well done. Giselle easily takes the win!

Kwame's dish is playful and fun. Chad's dish is cooked well and luscious. The winner is almost a tie, but Tom goes with Kwame!

Isaac's Halibut is overcooked and needs acid, but they still liked it. Carl's Chicken is nice and flavorful. Judges were pretty torn but Carl takes it!

Karen is missing a piece of fish. Bummer. The judges really loved her dish, but Padma didn't get to try it. Marjorie's dish is dry and didn't cut it. Karen gets the win- wow!

Jason's pork needs more flavor, he is not good at Thai and it shows. Frances's dish is a hodgepodge and the skin is not done well. This was almost a tie- in a bad way- and Tom chooses Jason as the winner.

Jeremy, Kwame and Karen are up for the win, but Kwame gets it with his Rock crab salad, turmeric, asparagus and radish and wins a barrel of wine!

Frances, Angelina and Wesley had the worst dishes, but Frances had the worst dish of them all with her Ginger glazed black cod with jicama cucumber relish and roasted squash and is off to battle Garret in LCK.

And they're on their way to Palm Springs!


  1. That was a tough challenge. They had already conceptualized a dish that matched with the other protein and purchased ingredients for it. I was impressed by how well the top chefs did.

    There are definitely still some dreggy chefs left but this is shaping up to be a strong season.

    We are house sitting for my parents and they have comcast instead of direct TV. Why does Top Chef come on at 11pm? That's just fucking stupid. It's one of Bravo's top shows - why are they showing it so late? Ugh.

  2. Yes- 11pm on a Thursday night sucks. It was like this last year too,a nd the worst part is that they're showing reruns of other shows before it airs. I have no idea what they're thinking, but that is why it takes me awhile to post! grrrr. They also aren't posting pics from each challenge like they did in the past. dumb.
