
Episode 11- Adios Charleston, Hello James Beard

It was sad for everyone to see Sylva go home!

Quickfire- create a dish with a mystery partner and make an identical dish! Hilarious that the partners are significant people in their lives... how do they not recognize their voice/way they speak? Sheldon got it quick! He and his wife are so cute!!!

John and his wife did a pretty good job! He was pretty nice considering he had no idea who he was cooking with!

Shirley's husband cracks me up! He was a hoot! They also did a good job!

Of course Brooke couldn't have her husband there, he's a chef too so that would be unfair. Her sister did a great job making the dishes similar!

Sheldon is too sweet- I love him! Him and his wife did a great job and I think him knowing it was her so quickly helped him plan his dish better- and he took the win plus $10K!

Final Elimination Challenge- prepare a dish the represents their journey in Charleston! The winner gets to cook their dish and a whole menu at the James Beard House in NYC- big deal! I think these meals will be pretty epic- they have a lot of freedom and a lot of inspiration!

But first- dinner cooked by Padma at the house with their family! It was nice for them all to get a break and spend some down-time with their families.

Final cooking and they are all stressing me out! This is hard to watch, I feel like they're overshadowing stuff with Sheldon and Brooke in particular...

John made a Sofrito-Crusted Scallop with Braised Leek Sea Broth. His presentation was beautiful. Their only complaint was that he did not peel the peppers, which he did on purpose. To each their own!

Shirley made an Oil Poached Grouper with Meat and Bone "Herbal Tea" Consommé, Collard Greens & Cracklings. The aroma of her dish was very southern, she did a great job connecting her heritage with her time in Charleston. This could be the winner!

Brooke is not satisfied with her dish. She made a Braised Pork Shoulder & Tenderloin with Smoked Island Sweets, Radish & Egg Yolk. The judges seemed like like her dish but felt it was a bit literal, which she did on purpose as well.

Sheldon made Carolina Gold Rice Chow Fun with Pork Belly, Okra, Annatto Seed & Turkey Broth. The noodles look good to me! The judges are loving it, Tom even ate the Okra! He had good flavor and did something very creative!

Overall- everyone did great. I think this could be a tough one. The only complaints I heard were with John's peppers and Brooke's cooking style- who will it be?

Two Chefs stood out- Shirley and Sheldon! I knew it! They really married their time in Charleston with their own identity! They are in the final four!!! The winner of the incredible opportunity to cook at James Beard House is Sheldon! (Seriously lets go to Maui and eat at his restaurant!)

That means that John and Brooke are on the bottom. John's peppers were an issue and they are questioning the simplicity too. Brooke's issue was the way she cooked and the sweetness. This is really tough. The judges are having a tough time.

When push comes to shove they have to send someone to LCK, and the chef leaving the competition, at least for now, is Brooke. I am super bummed- I love her and was rooting for her over John, even though she's not on my team. I guess we'll see if she survives LCK and comes back in, if Kristen can do it, maybe she can to! For now, le'Chefre is OUT!

BTW- Sheldon is in the lead for fan favorite!

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