
Episode 11- Hammer Time

Headed to the Bay Area- LOVE it up there! I hope they do some fun stuff in this area!

MC Hammer- he is too legit to quit! Oakland born and raised, I suppose it works! Quickfire challenge is to come up with a rap name, then create a dish that represents that name. Sorry, but this is one of those challenges that makes no sense and is created to work with the guest more than it is to challenge the chefs to make great food. So dumb.

Obviously the producers of this show think Jeremy's name is stupid, Spicy J-Rock 305- long pause with blank stare. Carl is cracking me up- he knows he's like, super white right? Oh Kwame- way to bring it, or something, that was as painful as Carl!

All the food looks really good- these are the best of the best this season!

Bottom: Amar, Marjorie and Kwame
Top: Carl, Isaac and Karen

Quirefire winner is Isaac! He is on a roll!

Elimination Challenge is to choose a time period and place then create a dish based on that place and era- this is a toughy!!! They get 2 hours to do some research, that's helpful at least. Weird to see them all looking in BOOKS. Who uses books to learn???

It's so nerve wracking to have to get immediate feedback from that table of some amazing chefs! Judges really loved everyone's flavor but Jeremy missed the challenge and Marjorie did not execute as well as she should have.

Kwame, Amar and Carl all have top dishes! They rocked it! And Amar gets the win!!! He really earned it- French has to be perfect!

Karen, Marjorie and Jeremy are all on the bottom- no surprise there! And the chef leaving is Karen. I really think they picked the wrong chef. In my opinion it should have been Marjorie on this challenge. Sad to see Karen go!

1 comment:

  1. Can't believe we lost Karen on this one! I was sure it was going to be Jeremy. He started strong but has really been sucking lately. Gonna miss the Pink Dragon!
