
Episode 12- The Final Battle of Beantown

This is it! This marks the final group moving into the finale! We already know Melissa is in, but who will join her?!?! If I had to put money on it- I'd say Mei and Greg!

Wylie Dufrene is the quickfire judge and it's a Bean one! They have to use various beans and the winner gets a trip to Napa!!! Beans in 1 hour would be SO hard- don't you normally have to soak beans overnight??? I have to confess- I use canned beans most of the time! But I do love beans- I feel like they're really versatile and you can flavor them all different ways!Love that Melissa and Mei are taking some risk! But Melissa didn't showcase her beans enough and Greg can't not do Asian which is getting annoying!

George is a good job with his spices, but he didn't need the pork (Top)
Melissa didn't showcase her beans enough, but her plate was good (Bottom)
Greg's bean were over cooked and the avocado didn't help (Bottom)
Mei's dish was very unappealing, but she used the bean in 2 ways and had good flavor (Top)

Winner is Mei with her Black Beans and Corn With Chipotle Peppers, Bacon, Poached Eggs, and Pinto Bean Foam!

Elimination Challenge- make an innovative dish for a group of very innovative thinkers. The winner makes it into the finals and wins $10K!

Mei feels extremely confident! I hope it's not an omen!!! Sucks that George can't get Pork Belly- I feel like that is BS. The Chefs should get to cook with whatever they need- I hate when the store doesn't have the ingredient that is the center of my plan!

Melissa's dish doesn't sound to innovation to me, but maybe it's because I can't picture the flavors together... I guess the miso makes it crazy!!!!
Greg's dish is Asian... and I don't see the innovation- neither does Wylie!
George's dish definitely seems out there and Tom thinks there are a lot of components
Mei's dish, like Melissa's I don't quite get, but again, I don't totally understand the flavors- her mentor has instilled innovation in her though, so I trust her experience!

I love that the ladies work well together but are still competitive!!! Wonder what Mei thought of Tom's comment and Melissa fighting to get Mei to Mexico!

Greg is up first with his Salmon in Tom Kha Broth With Roasted Tomatoes, Crispy Chicken Skin and Crispy Salmon Skin
The dish tastes really good but there is a lack of innovation

Melissa is next with her Seared Duck Breast With Farro, Walnut Miso, and Pickled Cherries
 They all loved her dish and the various components worked really well together,  but Wylie isn't as impressed with her innovation like everyone else was

George served his Charred Octopus, Yellow Split Pea Purée, Green Apple and Harissa
The judges liked the dish, but didn't like the char on the octopus. The balance was off and there are too many components that were distracting 

Mei is super confident serving her Duck Curry With Vadouvan and Yuzu Yogurt
Tom likes it but can't describe it... they like it and find it tasty, and like it more and more as they eat it.  The dish really felt innovative to the judges!

Richard liked Melissa's most. Gail liked Mei's. Wylie mixed Mei and Melissa for favorite. Tom did not like the octopus, but though George was more innovation. They all thought that Greg phoned it in, but executed better than George. 

Mei and Melissa on top, Greg and George on the bottom!

The winner is Melissa!!!! WOW- she made it to the finale and wins the $10K! She has really gained some confidence as the end of the season nears- excited to see what she does in the finale!

And the person going to LCK is- George which means Greg is going to Mexico with Mei and Melissa!

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