
Episode 16- The Chefs Head to Hawaii

This is it! Welcome to Maui (I wish I was there!)

And the LCK winner is... TUNA! LOUIS!!!!
For the QuickFire its time to cook with SPAM! $10K to the winner makes it a High Stakes!

Nick is SO snobby... I really hope he blows it and goes home! Spam Pho... hmmm. He also got a bit too much sun if you ask me!

Louis is coming in with confidence! Spam mousse sounds gross- but who knows!

I like Nina's croquets! Good idea!

Spam Musubi... Shirley has been on it so I hope her idea is goo enough. She seems to have good luck with High Stakes Quick Fires!

And the winner is NICK! I guess when he FINALLY uses seasoning it works in his favor! There were no "bottom" people so no negative points...

Final Elimination Challenge- only 2 go on!!! WHAT! Double Elimination!!!!!!!!! 

Canoe Crops Challenge! Use the ingredients found on the canoe! 

These are interesting ingredients- I can't wait to see how they all work with the variety! Nina definitely has an advantage since she knows the ingredients so well, but her focus is off! Shocked Shirley is the only one using pork! Louis grew some balls in LCK he is in it to win it and Nick is still acting like an ass. 

OMG their room!!!! I really want to go to Hawaii!!! These are like the 4 most fit chefs we've seen in the final 4 I think and they don't even have to do a triathlon to win ingredients like in some past seasons! 

Sucks they got rained on while cooking- that was a mental game for sure!

Louis: Grilled Opah with Sweet Potato and Coconut Sauce

At the table,everyone seemed to like it a lot but the fish was cooked inconsistently...
Judges Verdict: They thought it was a really ballsy choice of fish and there were inconsistencies in the doneness. They were impressed with his confidence and simplicity. He had more pressure to prove himself.

Nina: Grilled Opah with Taro Root and Coconut Puree
At the table everyone liked her presentation. There was lots of flavor and heat- maybe a bit too much heat...
Judges Verdict: Exactly what they expected of her, they loved it but the heat level was a bit much for some of the guests. The sauce was super bold, and too powerfully seasoned for the fish.

Nick: Opakapaka with Jalapeño and Crispy Chicken Skin
At the table they all really loved the contrasted texture, and bold flavors with the jalapeño
Judges Verdict: They noticed that he had a lot more confidence and he balanced everything out better than he has done in the past. Worked the ingredients together very well, everything was very well thought through

Shirley: Honey-Glazed Pork With Sweet Potato and Tumeric Puree
At the table they thought the pork was perfectly cooked but a bit too sweet. Everyone liked the texture and other components
Judges Verdict: They thought she beautifully braised the pork and it was cooked with a lot of love. She used the ingredients well, but the pork was pretty sweet. The honey was her only mistake and it needed a bit more acid.

No one made a major mistake- fair fight!!!

And the WINNER IS NICK!!!!!!!!!! I kind of want to puke.... WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Louis is out...

Shirley is out *sad face*...

Which means the other Chef moving on is... Nina!!!

Nick and Nina to the final. I think we ALL know Nina is gonna bring it, this isn't even a fair fight in my opinion. GO NINA!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Nina ftw for sure!!

    I'm so sad that Shirley is out, but it looks like she'll be on Nina's team in the finale (fingers crossed) which really does make Nina an unstoppable force. Go the ladies!

  2. Le Chefre!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I had a gut feeling Louis would come back from LCK. He was killing it and Tom seemed to enjoy his food. Note to future Top Chef contestants: Stop making mousse!

    Nick's face was so burned it looked like he rosacea.

    When Shirley mentioned she was making pork and honey I got really worried about the sweetness factor. I was surprised she didn't throw in something tangy for acidity.

    The judges were so over the moon with Nick's dish it was obvious he was winning.

    Louis came in as a big underdog and it sounded like he made a really good dish but he had a lot working against him.

    I thought there was a decent chance the judges would pick Shirley over Nina for the finale because the dishes were comparable but Shirley has such great relationships with the judges - especially Emeril, he luffs her. Ultimately, I think they made the right decision. Nina has been so strong all season. For the record: Shirley would beat Nick.

    So now to the finale...

    A lot of the food Nick cooks looks really good/interesting to me but I have a hard time with his holier than thou attitude and his obliviousness to it.

    I'm rooting for Nina to kick his ass.

  4. So...

    It's been a little while since I've commented. "My Bad" doesn't quite cut it, but perhaps the amazing words I've added below will make up for it. (Don't hold your breath)

    The reason that there has been a severe lack of comments on the blog from me is because we were playing catch up for the better part of the 2nd half of the season and we were trying to avoid spoilers. The reason we were so slow to catch up, was because we didn't/don't like cheering for anyone on our team.

    You all have said it and seen it. Justin looked good, but quickly revealed he was a cry baby who couldn't take criticism. Bret was laughable and completely out of his league. Janine was cool, but lost out early. Bene was weak. Travis was annoying. And Nick is entitled and undeserving despite getting lucky a few key times. We somehow ended up with Le Chefre's normal duds and they got our superstars. I don't know what kind of voodoo Snaders was up to late at night to make this happen, but you can bet there are a few cats missing from his neighborhood because of it.

    No excuse for not catching up faster, but that was why.

    Over the last couple weeks, I would have been very happy if Shirley, Louis, Carrie, or even Stephanie went further than any of our players. I was hoping the final two moving on from Hawaii were going to be Shirley and Louis. But like all things this season, what I wanted wasn't going to happen.

    So now we have Nina and Nick in the finale. I hope to the Food Gods of all that is righteous and delicious that Nina whoops his ass. It would be a true shame if she didn't. His attitude alone makes him undeserving, but his food overall hasn't been as inspired or creative as Nina's. C'mon Papa Colicchio, C'mon bitchy Padma, C'mon Gail's Blouse Busters. Pick the right chef tonight!!!!!
