
Haunting Healthy Past

Knife Skillz! I actually thought Sheldon was going to take the QF with all the build up, but it was Micah with the win! What a cool challenge and a cool prize! The sharpening SHOULD have been a cake walk for them all, and I was disappointed in Brooke. Josie again lived up to her reputation of being an all around loser by cutting herself during the potatoes. All around, good Quickfire!

The Elimination Challenge was so-so. I liked that they had to recreate a dish from the past... but the make it healthy part was a bit too much. I am a little sick of the advertising challenges- Plus some had great dishes to recreate and others had bad ones. I don't know, I just wasn't all that thrilled.

I do think they had some great dishes come out of the challenge and again, Kristen takes the win with her Poached Chicken Breast, Carrot Puree with Garlic and Tofu Emulsion.
It not only looked delicious but gorgeous as well! I would try this Healthy Choice meal...

Poor Lizzie! I think she is a good chef and caught a bad break with her scallops. The judges said she should have just served the salad sans Scallop, but I think they would have still put her in the bottom. She did the best with what she had, and it was what she had that put her in the bottom, not necessarily her cooking. John on the other hand did not cook well. He can say it was his pot- blah blah blah, but after all the years he's been a chef, he should be able to make a Risotto, even with a little bit warped pot. Everything I make is on a warped pot so HA!

The John/Lizzie cook-off was tense! I think it was a great way to decide the loser, and also really show the chef's character- not that we didn't already know: John is such an ass-hole. I think he could have kept the damn pickles and still lost. It came down to the patty of the burger and his didn't win, even with ALL the dill. Lizzie was SO composed even though she was furious- mark of a great competitor in my opinion. I didn't think she was out of line asking for the things she did in that tiny kitchen. The way to win Top Chef is to cook well, not play games, steal ingredients/tools and sabotage dished. Michal- you called it with all the child-like behavior... GROW UP! I was thrilled that Lizzie's burger kept her in the game, and it looked really good too! Chicken Burger with Goat Cheese Ricotta and Dill Pickle Roasted Red Pepper Salad.

So next week is Restaurant Wars- or some version of it- did we want to get together? Ideas? Bueller?


  1. I'd be interested in meeting up - possibly for dinner and then watching the show afterwards?

  2. Yeah me too! I'll miss the drama John created, but I really hope it'll stop the "stuff keeps disappearing" shenanigans we were seeing. And I'm really happy Lizzie is staying! Love her!

    Definitely seems like the ladies have a great chance to double the "female top chefs" group this year!
