
Episode 10: Healthy Choice Throwdown

What a Quickfire! I CANNOT believe Grayson and Chris won! Her pasta looked awful, but hey, it’s the finished product that counts right! Poor Paul, he kind of is back luck, for other people. Forgetting the shrimp though, that was insane! I don’t know about you guys, but these team challenges need to be over.

The healthy choice throwdown, and what a throwdown it was. Honestly, no one picked something that would have been really hard to make healthy… in my opinion anyway. I think the healthy aspect was not taken into account enough by the judges though, they were ALL about flavor, which is important, but still.

The meatballs looked SO good! I would have happily had both. I think it was crap that Sarah was in the lower group, it should have been Grayson (stupid team challenges!) Did anyone else find her conversation with Tom to be super awkward?!?! I was dying laughing. Grayson is too funny.

Paul of course wins AGAIN; starting to be annoying! His did look ok, but I would have given this one to Lindsay. Her Greek meatball was clever and unexpected!  

SO glad Chris is FINALLY gone. That was a long time coming. I thought his idea was good, but like Tom said, bad execution. SO LONG!

So Bev beat Nyesha!!! WOW

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