
Episode 15

Top: Mike

Bottom: Antonia and Richard

Winner: Richard

Top: Mike

OUT: Antonia

Well this is it! I actually was cheering for Antonia more than Mike even though I think Mike is the better chef. A Dreg in the final 2... who could have predicted THAT! 

I knew Richard would make it. His Quickfire was weak, but his Last Supper was perfect. Antonia had Mike fighting her all the way. He picked on her HARD and the Last Supper she had to cook for Chef Morimoto was rough! Not sure I liked the whole "last bite" idea, but the finale is as I expected. 

I am excited that they are bringing everyone back for it. Should be fun! I CANNOT WAIT!!! (but I am SO sad it is over)

So who do you think will take it all? 



  1. I think Richard has to be the favorite here but I am not counting out Mike I. Mike has really upped his game and the judges genuinely seem to be enjoying his food. Richard's biggest obstacle to overcome in the finals will be himself. I think if they both cook 100% then Richard wins.

    Doug told me that next Wednesday the softball team isn't playing - so it would seem the stars have aligned and we can actually do the 'Top Chef Pot Luck Finale Dinner'! Woot. Is your place still an option for hosting Kelly?

  2. Yep... my place is still an option, lets figure out the details!

  3. I'm impressed with Mike's preparation for this season and the finale... But he doesn't have that killer instinct yet. He still thinks he's not as good a chef as Blais or Michael Voltagio. I think that's going to affect him in the finale.

    My pony in this race is Blais. Go Liquid Nitrogen Power!
