
Episode 14

Top: Tiffany and 
Bottom: Mike and Richard

Winner: Mike

Bottom: Richard and Antonia

Out: Tiffany 

Have not been able to figure out if next week is the Finale or just part of the Finale...anyone?

I think the judges made a good choice. I like Tiffany, but just in points, you could see she was the weakest. Goodbye Tiff n' Dales!

So, it comes down to Richard, Mike and Antonia. 

Mike, as a Dreg has really done better than anyone could have guessed! He studied and really worked hard before showing up to the competition and even more before the finals. I am impressed. 

Antonia and Richard are both strong as well although I think Richard is a better chef. Problem is, they are both inside their heads, and with Mike winning 2 in a row now, that could easily be their downfall. 

Really hard to say who will take it. I think it is between Richard and Mike. What do you think?


  1. Rooting for Antonia but I think this is Richard's competition to lose. If they all do well I think he takes it. Mike is capable of making some really amazing food so I won't count him out either - But if he won it would be kind of like when Kevin won Tiffany and Angelo's season...

    I have no clue if Wednesday is a Part I or the whole enchilada. If I were to guess I would say it will be the last episode of the season. Getting together sounds fun - maybe even like a Top Chef potluck where everyone (couple) brings a dish to share - possibly inspired by Top Chef?

    I also know that the coed softball team has a doubleheader on Wednesday so not really sure how that would work out for the likes of Doug, Danielle, and Michal.

    Be sure to check out the Top Chef winning recipes On Demand under Bravo. Every week Rick Moonen walks viewers through the creation of that week's winning dish. I have enjoyed watching it and plan to try my hand at a couple of the dishes.

    Great job on the blog this season Kelly - can't wait for Le Chefre part Deux!

  2. This is what I found on Wikipedia...

    Episode 15: The Last Supper

    The chefs prepare dinner for an illustrious panel of guest diners who will help determine the finalists.

    * Guest Judges: Wolfgang Puck, Masaharu Morimoto, and Michelle Bernstein
    * To be aired: March 23, 2011

    Episode 16: Finale

    The remaining two chefs prepare the best meal of their lives.

    * To be aired: March 30, 2011

    Episode 17: Reunion

    Cast and judges reunion

    * To be aired: April 6, 2011

    So if we wanted to all get together to watch maybe we should aim for March 30th? I for one am very happy it is going to be a 1 on 1 competition. I don't like the 3 finalists format for Top Chef or Survivor.

  3. Damn, good find Ben!!! :) Alright, so does that plan work for everyone?
