
Episode 5

Here it is:
Quickfire: High Stakes! (+2)
Winner: Mike

Top: Richard and Marcel
Bottom: Dale T, Jamie and Angelo

Winner: Dale T

Top: Tiffany D, Angelo and Fabio
Bottom: Antonia, Jamie, Tre and Carla

OUT: Casey

Gotta make this quick...

Jamie is a... well I think we can all fill in that blank. Sucks that she's still in it for le Chefre since she only costs them more and more points!

Sad to see Casey go, she was one of my favs, however she has not been doing well, so I guess it's not THAT shocking.

Good work Dale, again. You and Marcel look like assholes in next week's episode, but it only makes me want to watch more!

And finally... Fabio. Could he be any cuter with his turtle!?!?!?!


  1. Glad to cut Casey loose. We liked her, but she was just sending our overall score down.

    I have to think that the "top" and "bottom" groups will get smaller from here on out(except for the Restaurant Wars episode). I think they should go with 3 people or so in each from her to the finals, so points hopefully won't swing as much.

    Tom crushed it. That was sweet to watch. And what a play by Marcel with Tom's old fish.

    Great season so far!

  2. Urgh...I was rooting for Jaime to go - she is the black hole of points for Le Chefre.

    Definitely a better episode overall than last week. I enjoyed the quick fire. Marcel was so close yet again!

    My "Power Rankings" of the remaining chefs:
    1. Angelo
    2. Richard
    3. Marcel
    4. Dale T.
    5. Tiffani F.
    6. Tre
    7. Tiffany D.
    8. Carla
    9. Mike I.
    10. Fabio
    11. Antonia
    12. Jaime
