
Alaska here we are!

We're SO CLOSE!!!! This season is so hard because no one left is a jerk, and they can all cook pretty well. If I had to pick a weakest link right now, I'd say Josh, but it's really week to week.

CRAB! What an amazing challenge! I seriously wish I was the judge on this one! I LOVE CRAB! and I don't know about you, but I want to go to Alaska SO bad, this episode just made it worse. Anyone up for a trip?!?!

So Josh cooks with Bacon again! SHOCKING! I think the best part was the judges saying it wasn't necessary, and Josh saying he's done with bacon... we will see, side bet? So with Lizzie and Josh on the bottom of the Quickfire, Brooke and Sheldon are on top, and Sheldon takes the win with a very interesting dish!
Elimination Challenge was fantastic! Salmon and Sourdough! Making a sourdough bread would freak me out too- cooking and baking are very different, but as long as you understand your ingredients and their purpose, I think anyone can bake. Most of them did a great job with their bread, especially Brooke and Lizzie, YUM. The fish was so fresh as well, this was a hard challenge to screw up, and I think they all did a really great job. No one had a super bad, failed dish, there were just small mistakes. This is how the end of Top Chef should be!

The chefs were FREEZING at judges table! I felt SO bad for them! None of them had on a coat and the the rain was pouring down. I have a feeling it was a long deliberation too!

In the end Brooke took the win and a trip to Costa Rica with her Sockeye Salmon & Seafood Broth with Mustard Seed Caviar & Dill Sourdough

And poor Lizzie had to go home after under seasoning and not tasting her entire dish together. At least her rolls were pretty!

During the commercial they said that tonight is the last night to save a chef, does that mean they'll show up next week!?!?!?! I guess we will see!

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