
Surf and Turf!

SO I have to admit that I was distracted last night while watching (I was cooking dinner myself) so I wasn't able to pay as close of attention as I normally do... AND stupid Bravo didn't post the pics of the dishes on their site, so this post is a little sad :(

I like the cruise and I love Curtis Stone, so this was a fun one! 

The QuickFire was NOT easy! WOW, what a challenge. I was glad to see everyone do well, and correct me if I am wrong, but there didn't seem to be anyone on the bottom, so I gave everyone points for being on top. Sheldon getting the win was very nice... I really do like him as a chef. 

Sheldon did have quite the advantage getting to pick his proteins, and the other chefs not being able to choose the same ones. He could have made anything and the judges wouldn't be able to directly compare him to anyone else, but what does he pick, Filet and Lobster!!!! I mean COME ON! This is a Surf and Turf challenge on a show called Top Chef and you pick the MOST predictable options. If you go down that road, you had better make the BEST Filet and Lobster the judges have EVER had. He didn't. 

The Tempura was sad and soggy- AGAIN. I love you Sheldon, but you can't make the same mistake more than once. He got SO lucky this week. and instead, we see Stefan leave for his overly crisp Pork Belly. I have to admit, that the sounds coming from Tom's mouth were NOT appetizing, and I like crispy bacon! It was nice that Curtis was able to explain the reason behind the crunch, but it wasn't enough to keep in in it. 

Brooke came out on top with her Frog Legs and Muscles- what a combo! This was very inventive and I am happy to see her overcome last week's fiasco! 

I was a bit shocked with Josh, can he cook anything without bacon? I LOVE bacon, don't get me wrong, but everything tastes better with bacon. Would his dishes taste as good if he wasn't able to use it? 

Poor poor Lizzie, I really felt so bad for her. Obviously the judges can only judge on what they eat, but I feel that in a timed competition, the tools that are supplied should work properly. It really isn't fair to the chefs when something like the steamer not working occurs. I hope that was the last we see of that type of thing, I want the chefs to be judged on their own skills!

So we are down to the final 4... sort of, which brings me to my question. The final 4 get 10 pts for making it to the end. Is THIS the final 4? or do we award those points when the LCK winner comes back into play? I will put it to a vote. Personally I think the LCK winner should get the 10 pts, and therefore we should wait, but it is up to the group. 

1 comment:

  1. So happy that Sheldon survived - I'm not sure what he was thinking when he picked lobster & filet, maybe he just didn't fully understand what the challenge was supposed to be about, or maybe he got mentally beat by all the other chefs who were bugging him the night before.

    I feel like anyone who makes it to the "exotic getaway location" should get the 10 bonus points, but that's just me. What will you do about the returning fan fave if you give top 3 + LCK returning chef 10 pts?
