
Pikes Place Pickle

Well that was a let-down! Pikes Place Market is one of MY favorite places, it is amazing. I would have expected nothing but amazing from this whole episode, but nope!

The Breakfast Quickfire was awesome. I love breakfast, so everything looked super yummy and creative. The Croque Monsieur- Pressed Ham & Cheese Sandwich with Toasted Fig by Brooke and Stefan was one of MY favorites, but is was Bart the Chef and Sheldon that got the win with Green Forest Breakfast Sandwich- Eggs, Cheese, Pancetta, Bacon & Spinach:

The Elimination challenge was NOT easy! Some of those ingredients were VERY strange, but others were totally awesome; the fact that there was NO winner is unbelievable. I actually thought that Bart and Sheldon would have been in the top again with their Salmon Candy. It seemed like the only issue with their dish was that there wasn't more salmon, but if the flavors were good, they were a step above many others. The Duck looked gross and sweet, the Pork and Grits were executed very poorly, the Cheese Curds were SO disappointing (HOW do you mess that up!),  the Cardamom Broth w/ Clams & Salmon had sand in it, and that Chocolate Tart made me SO sad. But I agree with the judges... that burger was an embarrassment! 

Seriously CJ! What the hell was he thinking! And honestly, had they made a really amazing burger, the pickle probably would have stood out and it could have been a great dish, but instead they made something boring and they did it with weird components: pork burger... ok I can deal, but on a crumpet! WHO eats a juicy burger on a freaking crumpet?!?! Tyler totally took the submissive role during this challenge which was a HUGE mistake. They should have gone with his idea. Yes CJ has done Top Chef before, but you can't lose site of the fact that he has also been kicked OFF before. Not to mention him and Josie are BEYOND cocky without much reason. It cost Tyler, that's fore sure. He was pretty annoying but I think he should have got to stay, this dish was ALL CJ.

It was interesting to see Josh and John's dynamic. I think this showed, along with a few other teams, how important it is to disagree and speak your mind. You get better dishes when you're open to feedback and constructive criticism. You also cannot expect another chef to cook your style and have it work, you both have to play up your strengths. It will be interesting to see how next week plays out...


  1. This really was a disappointing episode, although I loved watching Colicchio go off on the whole group. Hopefully it's the wake-up call they needed to stop playing it safe!

    I remember thinking that Tyler's idea sounded more tasty than CJ's stupid burger, but now I can't remember what it was. Can you remind me?

    Agreed about the crumpet especially! I've made real hamburger buns before & they are simple to do & very tasty. If you're going to do a traditional/standard dish like that you need to stick with the standard components & make them spectacular!

  2. Crap. Wrote long comment then I somehow deleted it.

    Bullet points

    -That challenge was insanely hard considering how early on in the competition we are.

    -Wish they had done a cool seafood elimination challenge instead of working with bullshit ingredients. Pick a fish name from board (QF winners pick first), receive budget to buy that fish and other ingredients in the market, run around in market, butcher fish and create a dish highlighting it.

    -Liked that they didn't give the 10k.

    -Didn't like that because there is no winner I assume I won't get to watch Voltaggio make something this week.

    -Josh and John played selfish and it almost cost them everything.

    -Glad CJ is out. Way too cocky. So are Stefan and Josie.

    -Lizzie should have insisted on fish with chocolate sauce instead of that nasty dessert.

  3. I can't remember what Tyler's idea was- for some reason I want to say corn fritter, but I might just be confusing it with the LCK dessert. Either way it was better than a stupid burger!
