
Rules rules rules...

Here is the clip about the Last Chance Kitchen. Not a whole lot of info, and it sounds like they could get a "chance" to come back, it is not a guarantee. I suggest that if you have a chef that comes back, your negative points earned for that chef leaving turn positive. Example: your chef goes home: -3 pts. If your chef comes back, you get +3pts. It washes away their elimination. What do you all think?


  1. It looks like the only time the winner of the Last Chance Kitchen will get back into the competition will be at the very end. They kept saying it was a secret thing. If that is the case, I think what ever player ends up back in at the end should definitely get their elimination points back, just for getting back in.

    Then I think they should get an appropriate point amount (2?, 3?, 5?) times the number of wins they had in the Last Chance Kitchen if they win the whole thing. So if the chef beat 4 people in the LCK and ends up winning the whole thing. They would get a 12 point bonus (if it were 3 points per week) on top of the points for winning the competition. These bonus points would be for all the points they couldn't win during challenges on the actual show. We'd have to do the math to find out a fair bonus amount. And all this is based on an assumption of how the LCK works that I'm not sure is true...
