
Episode 13

Quickfire: High Stakes
Top: Mike, Tiffany and Richard

Bottom: Carla and Antonia

Winner: Mike

Top:  Richard
Bottom: Tiffany and Antonia
Out: Carla

Well that was interesting! I cannot believe Mike beat Michael! Insane... I hope there is more behind the scenes with the Top Chef Winners, talk about an ego hit for Stephanie, Kevin and Michael. 

I think the chefs were rattled this week, no one did great. Or maybe it was the break. I think breaks can be very bad for some people... not Mike though, whoa! He came back with knives ready!

Dachui is out. I honestly thought Carla would out-cook Mike and Tiffany. She had a bad day for sure. 

Richard is still rocking and I would be happy to see him take it!

CANNOT wait for the Finale!!!!!!!!!  (not sure yet if it is next week... who wants to get together?)

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