
Episode 11

Winner: Mike

Top: Richard
Bottom: Dale and Carla

Winner: Richard

Top: Antonia and Mike
Bottom: Carla and Tiffany D
OUT: Dale

Wow... what an episode. I think people underestimate southern food.

First of all, what was Carla thinking making a bad dish TWICE! I like her a lot but she needs to get it together and cook from her heart; that is her sweet spot.

Mike, oh Mike. Why do you steal ideas, BAD KARMA! I will say that he did COOK the dishes he was on top for, and idea isn't everything.

Richard should know better than to share detailed ideas though. He is so smart and creative, and needs to know that this is a competition, on which I still think he will win!

Antonia, wow. After this week I really think she'll make it to the end. What a shame in the QF!!!!! Broke my heart, but I think she's been given some good confidence this week.

Tiffany is STILL dragging. She might be going home next week. She really should have known better than to trust Marcel with anything.

And Dale. I have to say I am happy to have him gone. He is a good chef, I do not contest that, but he's a asshole. He is not as bad as his original season, but still, not likable.

All and all I liked this week a lot. On to the next week!

Watch Dale's Exit Interview!

1 comment:

  1. It's gonna come down to a footrace (and whoever can stay out of the bottom).

    Anyone know how many episodes there are left?
