
Episode 10

Winner: Dale

Top: Antonia
Bottom: Richard and Angelo

Elimination: High Stakes
Winner: Dale

Top: Antonia and Richard
Bottom: Carla and Tiffany D
OUT: Angelo

Well I will start off with the fact that this was the 2nd worst Quickfire (next to the one where they didn't even eat) EVER! Cookies?!?!?! This wasn't Just Desserts! These are chefs, not bakers! LAME

I knew I was going to lose someone this week, the odds were just against me. I really thought it would be Mike though. I am scared of what could happen from here without Angelo. He is one of the best chefs, or was. I am sad to see him go. He was a much better person this season and I think he should have gone further. I am impressed with Antonia though! She's rocking it and I actually think she should have won, which brings me to...

DALE AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Over it. I don't think his dish was anything special and he's an ass. Tiffany was also more annoying than EVER this week. Not sure if it's because Dale pointed it out or what, but REALLY! hmmmm

Carla, what were you thinking!!!!!!!!! She went the WRONG direction on this challenge and is lucky to have not been eliminated!

I think, at this point I feel good saying that I believe Richard could take it all. The challenges he does bad on usually have nothing to do with flavor or creativity, he seems to sometimes just go too far outside the box. I really think he is strong and even though he is not on my team, I cannot help but root for him.

I will say the highlight of this week were the Target commercials with Beardo!!! Too funny, and props to Target!

1 comment:

  1. It was harder to see Angelo go. He was portrayed much better this time around, and seemed humbled by the rest of the talent this season. He wasn't my favorite, but he wasn't my least favorite like last season.

    I'm glad the total points got closer this week. It's really going to be a showdown right to the end.
