
Episode 6

Winner: Carla
Top: Dale T, Tre, Mike, Angelo, Tiffany D
Bottom: Antonia, Marcel, Fabio, Richard

OUT: Tiffani F, Jamie

WOW... this was a good one. The fish catching was really fun. I was a little bummed there was no QuickFire, but what can you do...

le Chefre took a hit... or maybe not, losing both Jamie and Tiffani, neither were bringing IN points, but I am not sure they'll be able to make up the points they need to stay in this... we shall see.

Dachui, wow, what luck. Carla is starting to perform right when you need her to. That IS her style though, to rise up toward the end.

HUGE week for Tif n' Dales, 10 pts is the biggest gain of the week, Dale is really on his game right now, hope he keeps it up!

Quite the flip-flop for B2B(2) with Richard in the bottom and Tre in the top. Smallest gain of the week with 2 pts, but still better than le Chefre!!!

An'Mike had a great week, if only le Chefre's players hadn't brought Antonia down with them. Both Angelo and Mike rocked their team, and despite being on the bottom, Antonia had a favorite dish. GO TEAM!

Restaurant Wars NEXT WEEK!!!!! What's the plan? :)


  1. Anyone want to try to get together to watch / talk smack during restaurant wars?

  2. I am interested... and I can host.

  3. Michal and I are in for Wednesday dinner.

  4. So what are we thinking? Pot-Luck Style? Do we want to cook something? Do we want to pick something up? Do you guys want to do it at my place, or the commune?

  5. So Michal and I decided on Papa Murphys Pizza. I will pick it up on my way home from work... If you have a topping preference you have until 5pm tomorrow (Wednesday) to tell me :) We will probably do the chicken bacon artichoke as one of them. Please bring some cash!!!
