
Episode 3

That went pretty good... haha

Here it is:
Quickfire: High Stakes! (+2)

Winner: Blue Team (Stephen, Tre, Richard and Spike)
Top: White Team (Dale T, Carla, Tiffani F, Marcel)

Bottom: Green Team (Angelo, Mike, Tiffany D, Fabio) and Red Team (Antonia, Jamie, Casey and Dale)

Winner: Dale T
Top: Angelo, Antonia and Tre
Bottom: Tiffani F and Fabio
OUT: Stephen and Dale L

Well... I really thought Fabio was going to leave this time, yet he held on another week! I couldn't be happier that Stephen is out... and I am sure everyone agrees! Dale T had a great week, kicking it in the QF and Elimination; but Tif n' Dale's other players didn't do very well, esp Dale L who is out, unexpectedly as far as I am concerned. B2B(2) KILLED the QF, esp with the High Stakes, and An'Mike rocked the elimination... well except Mike. Dachui is still lead, but this week was not the best showing for them; however they still pull off + pts, just adding to their lead. As far as le Chefre goes, they better pray Marcel starts putting his money where his mouth is!

Next week looks interesting and I am scared of what Angelo is up to... same ol' tricks? And did Jamie cut herself AGAIN?!?!


  1. I'm impressed that no team lost any overall points last night. Everyone either stayed the same or added to their team score.

    I wonder who the top and bottom people would have been in the elimination if they had just picked best/worst 4 dishes instead of the best and worst from each restaurant.

    Fabio better kill an Italian food challenge if he gets one. Otherwise all this bitching about non-Italian food challenges will look pretty bad.

    Dachui, you better watch out. We're coming for you.

  2. Hilarious! Good choice of 'sour' for Stephen. Le Chefre has you all right where we want you. Stay tuned for next week as Jaime cuts off her finger but doesn't get eliminated.

  3. When Jamie does get eliminated her caption should definitely be "Cut!" or "Sliced". lol
